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Consult A Lawyer After the Accident

Consult A Lawyer After the Accident

The path to a lawyer is not easy for the fewest victims. If this is necessary, it also means that there is no easy solution or that a legal dispute is imminent.

Hire a lawyer after the accident: yes or no?

The consequences of a traffic accident are often complex. Who is guilty? How is compensation for loss of use made ? Who bears the costs?

After an accident , a lawyer who specializes in traffic law is often only called in when the situation is unavoidable and you can no longer manage yourself. But then it may only be about damage limitation for the injured party.

It is therefore worthwhile to consult a lawyer in good time in the event of a traffic accident.

Lawyer after a traffic accident

Do I need to contact a lawyer after an accident?

No, there is no obligation to do so. However, a traffic lawyer can help you to enforce your rights, which may have a positive effect on the amount that your insurer pays out to the other party involved in the accident.

When should I consult an attorney?

This is especially recommended if you are involved in an accident through no fault of your own. Because a traffic lawyer can tell you directly what you are entitled to. Many people do not even know what your rights are, such as a rental car after an accident.

Who pays the legal aid?

If you are not at fault for the traffic accident, the insurer of the other party involved in the accident must pay the costs. If you are partially to blame , the opposing insurer will only pay a part accordingly. If you are entirely to blame, you will have to pay the legal fees yourself.

A self-inflicted traffic accident? – A lawyer is worthwhile

If you have caused a car accident, the liability insurance usually covers those costs that cover the damage to the other party involved in the accident.

After the damage has been reported and taking into account the accident report , the damage settlement will be initiated.

In this case, your appointed lawyer can reduce the costs after an accident. The question must be clarified as to whether the opposing party may be partially to blame. If this is the case, this in turn gives rise to claims that you can assert yourself , including costs for a rental car.

In addition, a lawyer who specializes in traffic law can support you in correspondence with the insurance companies.

Do you also have to involve a lawyer in the event of a car accident through no fault of your own?

Do you and the other party agree that you are not to blame for the accident ? Nevertheless, you should not do without a lawyer, since you will ultimately have to deal with your own and the opposing insurance company.

If you were involved in the event through no fault of your own, you also have the right , according to the Federal Court of Justice, to hire a traffic law attorney after the accident.

A traffic law attorney can help you with questions about compensation for pain and suffering or compensation for loss of use.

The essentials in brief

Below we have summarized for you why it is worth contacting a lawyer after a traffic accident.

A lawyer is a professional who has a trained eye for the material relevant to an accident. For the layman, this is often difficult to understand; such as the accident report, which was drawn up by an expert on the part of the insurance company. For an optimal settlement of the damage, different legal provisions must also be considered.

In many cases you have a financial advantage through the specialist lawyer. Especially when the situation seems hopeless, a specialized lawyer usually has a solution ready.

This is primarily due to the fact that the specialist lawyer has an overall view. Opportunities and options are also weighed up with a view to the opposing party. Those affected understandably lack objective distance in such a situation.

After the car accident, the lawyer can also protect you from the insurance companies. These come up with experts to enforce lower payments. As a layman, you have no way of really taking action against it.

The use of a lawyer after a car accident ensures equal opportunities.

Who pays the legal fees after a traffic accident?

First of all: You do not have to pay the legal fees after an accident in every case.

The question of guilt must also be clearly clarified when it comes to the question of whose insurance company will bear the legal costs after a traffic accident.

If you are not to blame , the liability of the other party involved in the accident should usually step in.

If you are partly to blame , the insurance only bears part of the costs.

Ideally, you have legal protection insurance so that such costs can be covered.

Thus, legal fees are part of the compensation items after an accident.